AIYOUBOT helps students to actively utilize various knowledge such as mathematics, science, engineering

technology and art through  each stage of robot assembly and coding learning. 

AIYOUBOT tries to inspire the students continuously think to develop and innovate the way of thinking.

This is how we practice STEAM education.

1. Situational awareness of a real-life problem 

AIYOUBOT CODING BLOCK is designed to assemble and code 

the robots that are commonly encountered in daily life.  

Situational awareness of a real-life problem provides the students  

with realistic motivation to develop interests and 

understanding of science and technology.

2. Problem Solving Ideas

AIYOUBOT CODING BLOCK leads students to voluntarily define 

problems in daily lives. To solve the problem, the students look 

at the problem from various angles and apply knowledge from 

the subjects such as science, mathematics, technology, 

and engineering. 

3. Generating  solutions

AIYOUBOT CODING BLOCK trains the students to solve the problem 

step-by-step with the creative design and program coding.   

The training makes it possible to generate solutions 

based on the cultivated knowledge and skills.

4. Solve the problem and Evaluate

AIYOUBOT CODING BLOCK is composed of various shapes, abundant quantity of parts, and various functional sensors at each stage.  Therefore, the students are able to design their own robots utilizing the knowledge and skills.  The students solve the problems in their own and finally evaluate them to complete each stage.



월요일~금요일 09:00 - 18:00
(토, 일, 공휴일 휴무)

회사명:  아이요봇(AIYOUBOT) 

사업자 등록번호: 207-30-01965